Sunday, September 25, 2005

Fur or Fury

Hi Everyone!

Don’t we all wish we could live in society that is more giving and caring about the world? Well, I know I do…I feel we live in such a beautiful place with such natural beauties that we take for granted. For example, roses and flowers are such beautiful plants, but then we cut them off from their natural surroundings so we can enjoy their presence conveniently inside our home. How about all those trees we cut and all other natural resources we consume without giving it a second thought? These resources not going to be around forever they will run out one day, but it seems as though we are consuming at a rate where the supply is infinite.

Even animals deserve to live in an environment that is respectful of their needs and by abusing the natural resources it is also taking a toll on the animals. Many animals are killed today because we eat them, we hunt them, we keep them as pets, and because we wear them as a fashion statement. Don’t animals deserve the right to live in their natural environment unharmed? Keeping them as our pets for enjoyment and using their skin for clothes is animal cruelty. Furs in particular have caused havoc in the fashion industry because designers use them as symbols of luxury and extravagance.
What do you think about killing animals and using their furs in clothing? I feel it is completely cruel to kill something for pure pleasure. It’s not like we are using fur for survival, if the poor animals are not harming you, why kill them? There are plenty of things that can be used for clothes such as luxurious cottons that are 500-thread count.


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